Presidents Collection
Browse below to learn more about the 17 presidents of Crown College.
Dr. H.T. Hardwick
The 1960s were the “Hardwick Years” at St. Paul due to the sixth president, Harry T. Hardwick. His years as president of St. Paul began in 1959 and extended to 1968, years of strong accomplishment. Dr. Hardwick memorized the name of each student and made sure every staff member felt appreciated.
Dr. F.W. GrubbsFrancis W. Grubbs served as the college's ninth president from 1972 to 1980. His administration was characterized by the greatest growth numerically the College had ever seen. The change to a larger institution with more formalized processes challenged the closeness and unity of personnel on campus. But the reorganizational designs served the College well in the years following.
Dr. J.M. TewinkelJoe M. Tewinkel was selected to serve as the tenth president when an interim was needed. He had been a part of the college since the 1950s when he was hired at the age of 21! Since then he had done a little bit of everything: taught classes, painted hallways, directed choirs, coached teams, and even directed the athletic department! Dr. Tewinkel is very familiar with the college, wrote the book on it a few years later (now out with the 3rd edition), and is one of the presidents to have a dorm named after him.
Dr. L.J. EagenDr. L. John Eagen was selected to be the eleventh president of Crown College. Eagen was 34 years of age at his inauguration, the youngest president in the history of the institution. In an impressive inaugural ceremony on October 15, 1981, Eagen stressed the fact that Crown College was a college of destiny, with a special place and a significant role to fulfill for the sake of the Kingdom of Christ. Dr. Eagen served until 1987.
Tim SavalojaTim Savaloja was chosen as the interim and fourteenth president. Having served as CFO of the college since 1997, he had the knowledge and strength to lead the college while a search was conducted for the fifteenth president.
Dr. Richard MannThe man chosen to be the fifteenth president was Dr. Richard Mann. Dr. Mann had experience as a missionary in China, held a Ph.D., and had been academic dean at Crown since 2000. Dr. Mann brought his abundant energy to his new position, and worked to implement better pay for faculty, create staff and faculty welfare committees, and expand academic programs.